Sun Dried Papua New Guinea Ulya

Sun Dried Papua New Guinea Ulya

I went through the Mercer Island Drive Through Starbucks, which offers Reserve coffees, and asked what was new. A barista offered me a Papua New Guinea. So I bought a bag of this coffee on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The Seattle Reserve Roastery is closed at this time because of the current closure of numerous businesses related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

I don’t know how long this new Papua NewGuinea has been available or what else I might have missed in new coffees. If someone knows, please send me a message. There’s no doubt, it is a little more challenging for me to figure out what is a new coffee offering with all stores closed except for drive-through business.

Update on April 4, 2020: Papua New Guinea launched on March 24, 2020, along with Rwanda Abakundakawa.

Rwanda Abakundakawa - March 2020

Rwanda Abakundakawa - March 2020

Ethiopia Guji Mesina

Ethiopia Guji Mesina