Cold Brew Reserve Blend

Cold Brew Reserve Blend

The Cold Brew Reserve coffee is intended to replace the beloved Micro Blend No. 11. My understanding is that in January this year, stores that are true Reserve Stores and Reserve Bars, as well as the Roastery, began to get this coffee in larger 5 pound bullets to brew as their daily cold brew.

In March, the coffee was slated to launch in small flavorlock packages with this taster card. I’ve heard that was on or about March 15th, which would have been right about the time that Starbucks shut everything down due to the pandemic. I think that the Seattle Reserve Roastery closed on March 16th or 17th. It’s possible it was in stores in March, either at the Roastery or the special Reserve store at the headquarters, and I missed it. In any event, I bought my first bag of this today, May 11, 2020, which is the first day that the First and University Starbucks re-opened.

back of cold brew blend reserve.jpg
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