Rainshine Blend

Rainshine Blend

Ethiopia Kayon Mountain Farm coffee, known as “Rainshine Blend” launched at the Seattle Reserve Roastery on Monday, January 6, 2020.

The coffee is sourced wholly from a large Ethiopian farm and it is a blend of washed-processed coffee and natural processed coffee. Unlike any other “blend” before it, all the coffee comes from one farm. The name Rainshine was inspired by these two process methods: the natural processed coffee beans are allowed to drying natural in the sunshine, and the wash processed beans are processed through some method using a lot of water. I don’t know how this particular farm processes beans, but the general idea is that the washed processing uses a lot of water and motion to bathe the coffee cherries in water baths, to remove all the outer layers from the coffee beans, leaving a very clean "washed" beans. I’m sure I’m over simplifying but that is the general concept.

Natural processed coffee is generally thought of some kind of processing where the entire coffee cherry is laid out on tarps in the sunshine to dry. After significant trying in the sun, the coffee cherry is removed from the bean, often with a mechanical process. Again, I’m sure I’m over simplifying but that is the general idea.

You will find the Rainshine Blend at the Roasteries, and core Starbucks stores that offer Reserve coffee.

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