Panama Carmen Estate

Panama Carmen Estate

I've heard it said that this was a Panama only release coffee.

For the card collectors reading this site, don't count this as one of the U.S. cards for your collection.

Panama Carmen Estate was a subscription coffee November 2015 - However that was BEFORE Starbucks sending out the Reserve tasting cards with the subscription coffees.

The first Reserve subscription with a tasting card was the Rwanda Abakundakawa.

So this card should NOT be categorized as a United States Reserve tasting card.

Edit on February 2, 2017:

This card now IS considered to be part of the United States collection of tasting cards. So, if you are trying to collect all of the United States Reserve tasting cards, include this one too.

This card does have an interesting history in that the card was not produced for the subscription coffee. And the card was indeed released internationally, as I understand it.

However at the end of January 2017, another round of this coffee appeared at the scoop bar of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room:

^ When you purchased this coffee scooped from the Roastery scoop bar, it indeed was sold with this same Panama Carmen Estate card. Given that it IS available at the Roastery right now (I just bought some and got another card on February 2, 2017), it IS a United States release card.

My rule for this website essentially is to track every single card that has been released within the United States. There you have it: Panama Carmen Estate and its beautiful card is currently available at the Roastery in Seattle. This 2017 release of Panama Carmen Estate appears to be a Roastery exclusive release.

Update May 2017:

Right now this coffee is on - it appeared there at some point in May 2017 - So again, it IS a US release coffee: This screen cap is from May 13, 2017:

2 - 1- back of panama carmen estate card.jpg



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